Drug Schedules 1 5 Chart

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Controlled Substance Schedules: Which Drugs Can I Legally Possess? A schedule II drug, will receive between 5-40 years in prison and a fine of less than $5 million. Drug Enforcement Division provides charts illustrating drug.

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Powerful drugs can cause considerable harm to unsuspecting citizens when needed standards and regulations are lacking. The group of drugs on the Schedule 2 narcotics list is but one of five distinct drug schedules, all of which list controlled substances.

Drug schedules are put in place by government entities as a means to enforce certain controls for powerful and potentially harmful drugs. The Schedule 2 narcotics list comes with a corresponding set of conditions that serve as guidelines for drug handling and dispensing purposes as do the other four schedules or classes of drugs.

Controlled Substances Schedules

Morphine is considered a Schedule 2 narcotic.


The chemical effects of powerful drugs on the body can pose a threat to a person’s health and overall well-being. This is especially true in the case of drugs listed within a controlled substances schedule. Latest tamil songs. By definition, a controlled substance includes any drug or chemical that’s regulated by the government. These government regulations apply for drug manufacturers as well as for anyone who handles or possesses controlled substances.

As a central part of U.S. drug policy, the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 forms the basis for the drug schedules in place today. According to the U.S. Department of Justice-Drug Enforcement Administration, drugs are placed on an assigned schedule based on three general criteria:

  • Whether a drug has an accepted medical treatment use within the U.S.
  • A drug’s abuse potential
  • A drug’s potential for causing dependency

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Drugs listed on the Schedule 2 narcotics list must meet the following criteria set:

  • The drug carries a high abuse potential
  • The drug has an accepted medical treatment use
  • The drug can cause severe psychological and/or physical dependence when abused

Schedule 2 Narcotics List – Drug Types

Drug schedules run from Schedule 1 to Schedule 5. Schedule 1 class listings consist of illegal narcotic drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. Drugs listed on the Schedule 2 narcotics list represent the highest grade prescription medications available. High grade pain relief medications make up the majority of drugs on the Schedule 2 narcotics list, though some stimulant prescription narcotics also appear on the list.

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Some of the drugs appearing on the Schedule 2 narcotics list include:

  • Fentanyl
  • Morphine
  • Codeine
  • Opium
  • Methamphetamine
  • Desoxyn
  • Ritalin
  • Adderall

For prescription purposes, both the person prescribing and the pharmacist are held liable for the distribution of any drugs appearing on the Schedule 2 narcotics list.


As the highest grade prescription medications, the Schedule 2 narcotics list also contains the most addictive types of legal drugs on the market. In general, the more addictive the drug class the stricter the regulations that apply. Prescriptions written for drugs on the Schedule 2 narcotics list must meet the following conditions:

  • No refills allowed
  • Oral prescriptions are only permitted for emergency situations
  • Written prescriptions must be filled within 90 days
  • Multiple prescriptions must fall within a 90 day period
  • Multiple prescriptions must include instructions on required lengths of time between refills

Since the inception of drug class schedules, the 90 day requirement for filling a prescription is the only change that’s taken place on the Schedule 2 list.

To learn more about Schedule 2 narcotics, or for help finding addiction treatment, call (800) 407-7195 today!

the Take-Away

Regulations for drugs on the Schedule 2 narcotics list are very strict because this list contains some of the most addictive legal drugs available.

Many effective and widely prescribed medications produce narcotic and potentially fatal adverse effects. Pharmacists, other healthcare providers, and government and law enforcement officials must ensure patients with legitimate medical needs have access to those drugs while keeping people who would abuse the medications from getting them.

DEA Drug Schedules

Controlled substance schedules categorize drugs and chemicals according to their recognized health benefits, risks to users and likelihood for non-medical use. The federal Controlled Substances Act gives the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) authority for maintaining a national drug schedule. Each state also has its own schedule.

What the Schedule Number Indicates

The DEA divides controlled substances into five categories of schedules, as outlined below:

  • Schedule I — High abuse potential, significant risks, and no federally recognized medical use. Substances in Schedule I include marijuana, LSD, Spice (synthetic cannabis) and Ecstasy (MDMA, short for methylenedioxymethamphetamine).
  • Schedule II ​— High abuse, dependence and addiction potential, along with common severe side effects. Schedule II includes opiates and opioids, including the narcotic painkillers fentanyl (e.g., Duragesic from Janssen) and OxyContin (extended-release oxycodone from Purdue Pharma); cocaine; and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medications like Adderall (amphetamine from Shire) and Ritalin (methylphenidate from Novartis).
  • Schedule III — Moderate likelihood for physical addiction but known high risks to health and potential for mental dependence. Schedule III includes some anabolic steroids, ketamine and low-dose combination narcotic analgesics such as Vicodin (acetaminophen and hydrocodone from Abbott Laboratories).
  • Schedule IV — Limited abuse, dependence or addiction potential. Schedule IV includes sedatives such Xanax (alprazolam from Pfizer) and Valium (diazepam from Roche).
  • Schedule V — Very low abuse potential and minor health risks despite containing small amounts of narcotics. Schedule V includes codeine cough syrups.

A complete and updated list of the schedules is published in the Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations on an annual basis.


How States Controlled Substance Schedules Differ

States often diverge from DEA rules and guidance on controlled substances. This can put pharmacists and patients at risk for federal prosecution, as often happens in states that permit medical use of marijuana.

On the other hand, states usually act ahead of the DEA to control drugs newly recognized as posing risks. Oregon made pseudoephedrine available by prescription only in order to curb illegal methamphetamine production years before any federal PSE control laws existed. In 2011, Virginia was among the first states to place Spice in Schedule I.

Regularly checking with the National Association of State Controlled Substances Authorities is a good way to stay current on state drug scheduling decisions and avoid any legal ramifications for pharmacists.

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration License Required

Pharmacists and pharmacies that dispense controlled drugs must hold DEA licenses, as must doctors and nurses who prescribe the medications. No controlled drug prescription order should be filled or dispensed until a prescriber’s DEA number gets confirmed as valid. The DEA does not give pharmacist registration information to the general public.

Visit the agency’s website to get license application and renewal details, along with information on confirming prescribers’ numbers. Be aware that the state where you practice may impose additional requirements, particularly regarding medical marijuana.